The most important book is Bertha Lum, by Gravelos & Pulin, 1991, Smithsonian Institution Press. It’s a serie on American Printmakers.
I used their bibliography to search for my sources.
There is also My Own Pair of Wings, by Peter Lum, 1981, published by Chinese Materials Center. It is an autobiographical account of Peter’s youth in Beijing and her mother.
Books and articles are:
Text and illustrations by Bertha Lum, Bertha Lumn or Berll Lum (for Japan)
Gods, Goblins and Ghosts: The Weird Legend of the Far East, J B Lippincott Company, 1922.
A Peinping Sojourn. Montreal, The Canadian-Pacific Railway, 1931.
Ten Days in Japan. Montreal, The Canadian-Pacific Railway, c.1931.
This book in pdf was numerised by the The Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch.
Catalogues of Exhibitions
Albert Roullier’s Art Galleries Chicago. Catalogue of the Exhibition of Original Wood-Block prints in Color by Bertha Lum. October 1916
Albert Roullier’s Art Galleries Chicago. Catalogue of the Exhibition of Original Wood-Block prints in Color by Bertha Lum. (c.1920-21)
Illustrations by Bertha Lum
Anne Heard Dyer was an art critic who lived in Tokyo.
She is best known for translating (with Grace Tripler) into English A History of Japanese Colour Prints by Woldemar Von Seidlitz. The text was in German.
She published numerous articles between 1905 and 1910 in Book News Monthly, Uncle Remus-The Home Magazine, Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, Craftsman but also The International Studio.
She was an acquaintance of the Lum couple she had met in Japan.
World Traveler. Magazine Cover, March 1927.
Lum, Balliet (Catherine). The Spider Woman. World Traveler, June 1928.
Bennett, James W. China Bribes the Dragon. NY Herald Tribune, June 21 1931.
Der Ling, princess. Golden Phoenix. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1932.
Reprint, Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
Fortune Magasine. Magazine Cover, July 1933.
Der Ling, princess. Imperial Incense. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1933.
Lum, Peter. Japenese Ghost Dramas. Asia, December 1933, vol 33.
Lum, Peter. Peiping and North China. Tientsin, The Tientsin Press Ltd, 1934.
Articles on Bertha Lum or her daughters
The Studio Magazine, January 15, 1908.
Lucia B. Harriman was a journalist from Portland, Oregon who lived in Japan for two years between 1914 and 1916. There she was editor in chief of the woman’s department of the Associated Press.
Los Angeles Times, November 28, 1926.
The Leader, November 27, 1927.
Los Angeles Times, July 14, 1929.
The Leader, July 20, 1930.
The Leader, December 2, 1930.
Chicago Evening Post, July 26, 1932.
Saturday Night, October 1, 1932.
Peiping Chronicle, October 22, 1933
Peiping Chronicle, October 29, 1933
Peiping Chronicle, October 20, 1935.
Peiping Chronicle, November 14, 1937.