Update: 30 of January 2020

Just in time to stay in January, here is the first update of 2020.
This month, no real new prints but the online release of the illustrations of a book: Jades and Dragons. Written by Princess DerLing and illustrated by Bertha Lum in 1932.

This book contains colour illustrations and some end-of-chapter black-and-white illustrations.

In the catalogue raisonné published by the Smithonian, some of these illustrations were catalogued in the list of prints because the authors assumed that they also existed in this form (which actually is not the case.)
So I put these catalogue numbers in my description of the images and added these illustrations also in my catalogue.

I also put on-line a new downloadable article in the bibliography section: the short story Kara Khoto published in September 1929 in the World Traveler.

Happy New Year of the metal rat to all of you!